In the first few pages of your journal find a blank two page spread. This will be used as a contents page for you to find pages quickly.
Imagine the contents page as a chapter list of your
As you can see on the video, the left page contains titles that link to either projects, trackers, holiday budgets or any events that you are dedicating pages to in your journal.
On the right page we have the months that are in this current journal so we can easily find all entries from one month for example.
It is important to add the page numbers to each title so that you can turn to those pages quickly. This can be a single page number or a range of pages.
Year log
The year log is a place where you can quickly see each month of the year and what important or special events are happening within each month. Find a double page spread again and section off 12 blocks to represent each month of the year.
Get creative with how this looks, however try to focus on it being practical and impactful. Many people add birthdays and anniversary’s however try to keep this head line items and not weekly occurrences.
Month log
For the month log you will need a double page spread. At the top of left page put the name of the month, then along the left hand side of the page write down the number of days in the month and the initial of the day that it corresponds with.
You can now input the events for that month. Have a look back at your year log to check you have everything. Make sure you reference this page number in your index.
At the top of the right hand page write the month followed by goals (March Goals). Then below write down the goals you want/need to achieve for this month. See the goals post for more details.
Make yourself accountable for achieving these throughout the month. As a Striver this is where your mentor and coach will be checking in with you to keep you on track.
Weekly log
As always, find the next empty two page spread after the month log page. You can always create your own weekly log masterpiece however keep the principles the same throughout. Practical and impactful.
At the start of each week (Monday) add the current date to the top left corner. On the line below write down a task/event that is happening today. As you start to add more tasks and events you will need to code them for speed searching. See Journal Coding blog for more.
Once you complete a task simply cross through the mark. Get creative with how this looks and create your own codes but remember be practical and impactful.
You can either try to keep a week on one double page spread or have a page a day, you are in control of that. Add a reflection at the end of the week to see progression of your goals, trends and anything general that you want to get excited by or that needs attention.
This then supports the setting of goals for the following week, which then forms the reflection and reviewing of the monthly goals.
We may have a task that requires actions or more details to refer to at a later date. So next to the relevant task add a < along with a page number where you will add more detailed notes. Turn to that page and title it in reference to the task and write in more detail of what happened.
This is useful for important meetings for example that you need to keep notes from. Start a new page and make your meeting notes. Then add that page number to your week logs so when you need to look back and reference any actions you can turn to the page of the meeting and find the notes pages as well.