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The Striver Band

"I have a Striver Band with the word focus on it, when my eye catches this wristband I begin to scan my body to check my physical and emotional state. From here I am better informed to adjust and adapt."


Focus on the Process

Once I see my Striver band I…

Feel the floor on the souls on my feet. 

Power stance - Feet shoulder width apart, shoulders back with upright posture, chest out. 

1 deep inhale through nose and exhale through mouth. 

Palms open. 

Say or think “Focus” (Trigger word) 


If I am in a situation of state anxiety, I will repeat the desired positive process to achieve self-regulation. Focus on the process and the outcome will take care of itself. 

Focus on Process Examples:

Football - Firm foot contact on the stitches, low backswing, hit the inside of the net, 

Golf- Ball position, address stance, backswing path, drive hips, weight transfer, turn wrists, follow through. 



Why use a Striver Band for Self Regulation?


The Striver Band is useful for reminding you of your current state and triggers you to begin your regulation process.


You need a trigger that can be visible during your performance without being distracting.


Because of your potential emotionally compromised state, you may not notice when your thoughts, actions and behaviours are negatively impacting your performance and getting in the way of your desired outcome. By having this visual trigger, you can be better placed to notice your current state and act upon it.


You can also use the bands to trigger positive self talk or imagery going into your performance. Sometimes we can get caught up in the moment (Media responsibilities, fans, delays, referee decisions, boss communication) and forget our pre-event routine so having the band as a visual stimuli to remind us to focus, can really help performance.


Self-regulation is the ability to recognise and manage your emotions, behaviour and responses in line with the demands of an event and your desired outcome. 


Self-regulation includes being able to resist highly emotional reactions to upsetting events, to calm yourself down when you get upset, to channel your focus during a stressful moment, to adjust to a change in expectations, and to handle frustration without an outburst which ultimately can impact the outcome to the event. 


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